Frequently Asked Questions

QBuying and registration.

How does the registration process work?

A After you have paid for your license, the registration and payment confirmation may take up to 24 hours. We will send you an e-mail with your registration information.

Start up WebbookBinder and go to the "Tools & Settings" Tab Click the "Register" button and fill out the registration form

Licensed to: your name
License Key : xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx

After you set the license key, the "Trial Stamp" will no longer show in your Webbook.

QWhich browsers does WebbookBinder support?

Can you tell me which browser a Webbook is compatible with?

A Webbooks have been tested on all major browsers.
The following browsers are supported *:
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
- Opera
- Chrome
- Safari

* The flash plugin version 8 or higher is required.

QCan Webbooks be used on any computer?

After I upload a Webbook, can everyone see my book/magazine?

A Yes, a Webbook is accessible from any computer connected to the Internet, whether it is Mac or PC. Webbooks use Flash, which is installed on 98% of all computers. For the remaining 2%, the browser will ask the user to automatically install the Flash Player.

QHow can I produce high quality Webbooks?

Is there a way to optimize quality?

A Yes, the quality of a Webbook depends on the quality of your source images or PDF file. The higher the quality of the source, the better a Webbook will look.