QBuying and registration.
How does the registration process work?A After you have paid for your license, the registration and payment confirmation may take up to 24 hours. We will send you an e-mail with your registration information.
Start up WebbookBinder and go to the "Tools & Settings" Tab Click the "Register" button and fill out the registration form
Licensed to: your name
Email: your.email@yourdomain.com
License Key : xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
After you set the license key, the "Trial Stamp" will no longer show in your Webbook.
QCan Webbooks be used on any computer?
After I upload a Webbook, can everyone see my book/magazine?A Yes, a Webbook is accessible from any computer connected to the Internet, whether it is Mac or PC. Webbooks use Flash, which is installed on 98% of all computers. For the remaining 2%, the browser will ask the user to automatically install the Flash Player.